First Name / Middle Name (required)
Family Name(s) (required)
Date of Birth (required)
Gender (required) MaleFemaleOther
Nationality / Citizenship (required)
Country of Residence (required)
Mobile phone number (required)
Email (required)
Address (required)
Suburb/Town/City (required)
Country (required)
Zip / Post code (required)
Passport Number (required)
Visa (required) Please SelectStudentVisitor/TouristTemporary ResidentPermanent ResidentWorking Holiday
Are you applying for your visa from: (required) Onshore (within Australia)Offshore (outside Australia)
Highest Qualification Achieved
Current Level of English Please selectBeginnerElementaryPre intermediateIntermediateUpper intermediateAdvance
If you are a Student Visa holder, Health Cover is required for the total duration of your visa.
Do you require overseas student health cover (OSHC)? YesNo
Is this course part of a study Pathway / Course package? YesNo
Do you have any special learning requirements or difficulties for the college to assist you with? YesNo
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Email (required)
Do you want accommodation arranged? Yes (placement fees apply)No
To (dd / mm / yyyy)
Number of Weeks
Au Pair/ Demi Pair Placement Programme Not ApplicableAu PairDemi Pair
Do you require Airport Pick-up? Yes (service fees apply)No
Please select and complete your course from the options below (You may select more than one course).
General English (Beginner to Advanced).
Starting Date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Cambridge English Exam Preparation
External Examination YesNo
English for IELTS and Academic Purposes (EIAP)
Exam Registration Not applicableDirect registration (registering for the exam in person):Registration through the college (includes registration assistance and postage fee):
If registering through the college from overseas, please provide 2 passport-sized photos and a copy of your passport. Make sure your picture, ID/passport number and signature are shown clearly.
Course Preference AcademicGeneral Training
For 'short courses' such as Private Tuition, Teacher Training, Study Tours etc. please request a Short Course Enrolment Form from the College.
* Student visa holders must choose the full-time option (CRICOS), as per your visa requirements
Study Timetable Full-time Day - 5 Days / Week (CRICOS) 9:00am - 2:30pm (Mon to Thurs) + 9:00am - 12:20pm (Fri)Full-time Day - 3 Days / Week (CRICOS) 9:00am - 5:00pm (Mon) + 9:00am - 4:30pm (Tues and Wed). ** Strong Intermediate and above levels only for 3 days per week timetable (Students not meeting the level requirement may be transferred to the 5 day classes until level is reached).Full-time Evening - 4 Days / Week (CRICOS) 4:30pm - 9:50pm (Mon to Thurs)
Please choose your payment method
Paying to Agent - In FullPaying to Agent - Payment Plan*Paying to College - In Full ( Direct Deposit, Cheque, Credit Card** or Cash)Paying to College - Payment Plan* (Direct Debit or Credit Card**)
* Set up fee applies ($80). Please complete Direct Debit Request (DDR) Form if paying by instalments to the college.
** For all credit card payments, a 2% surcharge applies
Were you enrolled by an Education Agent? YesNo
Agent Name and Email
Upload a copy of your passport (max file size 5MB)
Please make sure you read the Terms & Conditions of enrolment before submitting this form.
I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions of enrolment